Thursday, August 19, 2010

How I'm Feeling...

...I think that photo says it all. I've been in a pretty good mood lately thanks to...well a lot of things. My papers for the month are finished, I had a great dinner and things are officially official with a new guy in my life. Work is picking up as well which means I don't have to live paycheck to paycheck anymore (thank the gods) and I'm taking a small vacation up to D.C. and NYC to see some friends and have a little fun before fully immersing myself in the craziness of school and working two jobs. But even with that headache looming around the corner I can honestly say I'm not too worried. I feel like things have finally started getting better and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel....

1 comment:

  1. Yay for finishing papers and for official things!!
    Mr. Sir Man is very lucky.

    Me = Haappy Forr Joo. >^__^<!

    Also, sign up for my giveaway! It ends tomorrow Sunday, 22nd, so hurry!


